21st Century Communication 4-Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking- Student Book with Online Workbook Sticker Code 好書推薦

21st Century Communication 4-Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking- Student Book with Online Workbook Sticker Code是本非常有意思的書﹐這幾天看了許多評價等相關文章後,入手後果然手感很不錯



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21st Century Communication 4-Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking- Student Book with Online Workbook Sticker Code曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

21st Century Communication 4-Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking- Student Book with Online Workbook Sticker Code是本不錯的語言學習,誠意推薦給大家看喔!

  • 出版社:東華

  • 出版日期:2017/01/01
  • 語言:英文





  • 出版社:東華

  • 出版日期:2017/01/01
  • 語言:英文


21st Century Communication is a four-level series that uses powerful ideas from TED Talks to teach learners to think critically and communicate effectively. Through authentic models of effective communication, students build fluency in the listening and speaking skills needed to achieve academic and personal success.

?TED Talks are used to develop essential 21st century skills, including critical thinking, collaboration, and visual literacy.

?Speaking, pronunciation, and presentation skills, inspired by TED speakers, prepare learners to speak confidently in any situation.

?Extended listening based on real-world situations and TED Talks provide listening and note-taking practice.

?Fully-blended Online Workbooks include the entire audio and video program, and automatically graded language practice activities

21st Century Communication 4-Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking- Student Book with Online Workbook Sticker Code



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21st Century Communication 4-Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking- Student Book with Online Workbook Sticker Code
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21st Century Communication 4-Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking- Student Book with Online Workbook Sticker Code



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